In today’s environment, with staffing shortages at unprecedented levels, StatusNow manages the dynamic changes in team availability and demand that arise throughout the day. The solution delivers real-time information to manage the shortages and changes across shifts, skills and locations. Its advanced capabilities help manage demands at all levels of the organization.

StatusNow drives lower costs and improves productivity by enabling managers to schedule a core staff and supplement on-demand. Meet customer demands and client agreements by maintaining minimum staffing requirements throughout the day. When they’re not working, hourly staff can use StatusNow to swap shifts with direct visibility to who’s available.

With direct integration into workforce management and scheduling systems, managers ensure they’re finding the right employee to meet the demand of now. When staff are working, they can put their phones away and use StatusNow to keep their personal network informed, minimizing distraction and giving them peace of mind.

Hourly and Shift-Based Workforces

StatusNow enables you to:

  • Run leaner operations on a “gig” basis, leveraging skill-based availability to meet demand in the moment – avoiding shortages that force closures
  • Manage real-time availability of your full workforce to meet immediate, unexpected needs
  • Meet unscheduled demand peaks to better serve customers – minimizing lost sales from under-staffing and shortened hours
  • Replace staff unable to fulfill their scheduled time
  • Direct peer-to-peer visibility for quick shift switching
  • Create a dynamic pool of self-identified on-call staff
  • Reward employees for flexibility and responsiveness
By leveraging StatusNow’s dashboard, managers and supervisors can analyze staffing profiles, assess employees’ up-to-moment availability to their audiences, and fill in the scheduling gaps. Search your entire organization to match your needs up-to-date availability of staff with a specific profile (skills, location, responsiveness) to:

  • Replace employees who don’t fulfill their shift last-minute
  • Balance staffing needs across locations
  • Ensure your employees don’t miss the opportunity for extra income
  • Avoid the challenges of mass emails, message boards or other tools for shift-switching that depend on who’s around and happens to be listening
Ideal for broader business departments, like HR, Accounting, Legal, and Sales, StatusNow helps you maximize productivity and ultimately balance the competing needs of those pulling at your attention – clients, colleagues, personal responsibilities, and so much more.
Executives and senior managers leverage a global view of the organization to see real-time availability of resources with a specific profile (skills, location, expertise) to:

  • Meet departmental staffing demands
  • Complete projects and meet deadlines
  • Direct questions to staff with appropriate expertise
  • Meet any other immediate resourcing need
In today’s high-demand and flexible work environment, enable your team to stay focused on their business priorities and to access the resources they need – all in the context of managing competing professional and personal demands on their attention.

StatusNow ensures optimal service and staff utilization:

  • Share real-time availability across internal, client and personal networks
  • Enable team to inform each other when they are available to collaborate outside of work hours
  • Manage the distractions that slow a team’s progress
  • Lower attrition and drive-up employee engagement by bridging personal and professional boundaries
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